
Dinner & Golfing

Y'all!  Let this go down in the record books....we went on another date!  As in, TWO dates in ONE month!!  It never happens that way for several reasons but mostly because its expensive to pay a babysitter for 3 kids and pay to go out!!  But having grandma in town meant free babysitting!! 
This time, we went out with some friends and had so much fun!!  We started with dinner at Sidelines, a fun sports bar & restaurant in Pensacola Beach!  Then we went goofy golfing!!  It was such a fun date to do with friends!!  We laughed ALOT, talked alot and really enjoyed our evening out!
the guys ~ Kevin, John, & Josh

The beauties! Lisa, Me, & Veronica (notice that my golf club is way too tall for me? but duh! it matched my shirt so it was clearly the best option! =)

all done!  lets just say that john & i probably shouldn't take up golfing anytime soon! ;)
These sweet friends are such a blessing to us!  And I'm sad to say that they will all be leaving us behind in Pensacola very soon. =(  Gotta love military life!  But I'm so thankful to have a few more weeks to soak up as much fun with them as i can! 
And now I've gotta know.....what is your favorite thing to do on date nights?!  Its always fun to share ideas and think of new ways to have some fun with our sweeties!!
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up!  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
~Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10, 12~


April said...

That does sound like a fun night! I love to go putt-putting and my goal is to whip up on Chris! We don't really do date nights. What works best for us is to go out to lunch together every Friday because he travels through the week. It's our time to reconnect with each other...and I always look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a really fun date night. We don't do date nights since we don't have kids. We eat out every once in a blue moon and go to the movies if its something we really want to see.