I don't know about anybody else but last night's Women Tell All had me cracking up!!! It was fun to see Trista and Ryan as always....little Max is getting big and sure is a cutie! Charlie and Sara were cute i guess. I thought Jason handled himself well for the little bit of time he actually spent "facing the girls"! Jillian looked GORGEOUS and what class that girl has! It would be fun to see her as the next Bachelorette!
One of my favorite parts of the show was when Chris Harrison was interviewing Jason....i thought he asked some good questions and Jason just seems so real that it reminded me that all the theories and talk on the web are just that.....theories! I refuse this week, to get caught up in it.....i will see what happens next week at the finale! And until then i will choose to stay in my little bubble of hope that all the hoopla is way wrong! But i did catch one thing in the preview for the after the final rose ceremony that i missed last week and that is...Chris Harrison said that what was happening was potentially emotionally hurtful. That one word opens a window in my mind for it to all be a normal bachelor type of ending and not some huge scandalous deal! Everything about this show is potentially emotionally hurtful!
And now onto my favorite crack me up moments of the night!
~Jason on the horse. SERIOUSLY! I had tears coming down my face i was laughing so hard! And i laughed every time they showed it! Why so funny you ask?? Truly i don't know...but i think alot of it is that its supposed to be this romantic scene and it goes so wrong and then his reaction only added to the humor! So funny!
~When Chris Harrison was interviewing Natalie....there was so much there that i could list but the one that cracked hubby and me up the most went a little something like this....]
natalie~like i didn't have my blackberry and my blackberry is like my life. and i didn't have my ipod......
chris~so we took away all of your superficial things....
natalie~whoa chris, you need to settle down
WHAT??? hahahahahaha......we cracked up! She just didn't have a leg to stand on! But her reaction was certainly comical!
~and last but certainly not least is hubby's favorite crack me up quote of the night! This one came from Charlie during his and Sara's interview....
"she said the drinking was 99% of the problem so i'm pretty much 99% perfect"
Hubby was cracking up, i was cracking up....Great line Charlie! Makes sense to me if thinking from a simple minded manly perspective. These men folk are funny creatures i tell ya!!
So now we wait! What is going through everyone's mind?? Is it going to be a shocker or is it going to be a good ole bachelor ending?? Only 4 more days till Sarah is here!!!!!! I am so excited and so glad i atleast have something besides tv to look forward to this week! =) So everyone weigh in....what are your thoughts after last nights Women Tell All??!!
9 hours ago
I have to admit, I was a bit let down by the show. They always build everything up to be something it's not. There were some good moments, just as you pointed out. I still say that Jason messed up by dumping Jillian...she is so adorable and REAL! He's going to regret his decision, I'm convinced. I still don't know what to expect next week! I won't be able to sleep a wink come Sunday night! ;)
I did notice last night they showed a lot of Jason and Molly and not that much of Jason and Melissa - it was the first time I actually saw a connection between them that I thought could - maybe - work. So I thought that was interesting.
I've always loved Charlie and Sara! She is so stinkin' CUTE! Her dress was adorable.
Still don't know what to expect next week - but I am over worrying about it! Just left counting down till Monday! Glad you have a girlfriend to share it with!! :)
I didn't watch it. I am going to jump on the band wagon next season. I want to join in on the fun!
Great recap and oh yes the quote from Sara!! I missed that season, so I wasn't sure what they were talking about but Chris' face was priceless when he asked what brought them back together and she said he quit drinking. Don't think anyone was expecting that answer on tv.
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