
dylans birthday ~ part 2

picking up where i left off on part 1.....

by about 8:30 the big boys were up and everyone else was all excited. me? still in total denial but agreed that maybe i should call my girlfriend that was going to watch the boys when the time came and be sure she was available! while on the phone with her i had another contraction and it had only been 5 minutes. i had to drop the phone and breathe through it ~ each one seemed to be getting more painful! i remember her saying "aubrey, i really think you should just bring the boys to me and go on up to the hospital" oh no no silly....i'm not going to be the girl they send home! i'm going to wait it out a little longer. 3 contractions later i told john "we've gotta go now. i can't do this anymore!" (hahaha!)

the boys helped load the car and off we went. the drive is a painful blur. we dropped the boys and headed for the hospital. when we parked i told john "just leave all of our stuff. once they get me in a room and get the epidural in place you can come back down and grab it." (thankfully he was smart enough to atleast grab the camera!) *side note ~ i had this weird fear of contracting on the elevator full of strangers. i remember asking john when we got on "how long till my next one?" and i remember seeing looks of horror on the faces of every man on that elevator!!! LOL!* we get upstairs, i get to the desk and the woman says "we need a nurse to rule out labor". bad words went thru my mind....honey you aren't ruling out anything. you better be calling anesthesia! anyway...

after 20 minutes on the monitor they come in and check me. 2cm. WHA??!! without being gross and giving you tmi, the nurse explained that a specific something in my medical history was probably keeping me from dialating. she said "you're definitely in labor but we don't admit until you're 4cm". so the plan was to let me labor in the triage room and re-check me in an hour or so. within 10 minutes of her walking out my contractions were every 3 minutes, every 2 minutes....you get the idea. i was DYING. you see...with a vbac, hospital policy is that you have an epidural in place. so going at it all natural wasn't even an option for me. i was very unprepared to handle the pain. i begged anybody that came in the room to please check me, help me, PLEASE!!!!

{trying to smile between contractions. i had no idea how exhausting that kind of pain could be!}

after what seemed like an eternity but was really only 20 minutes they came in and started an iv and gave some iv pain meds. now...to all my medical friends....is it normal for them to start an iv and administer meds before being admitted?!! the meds felt good for about 10 minutes and then the tears started. i told john i couldn't do this. the meds weren't helping anymore. apparently i said some not so nice things to nurses, lab techs....basically anyone who walked in the room. i knew they needed to check me. i knew i needed help and they wouldn't listen.

FINALLY the doc comes in and i'm screaming at him that "i just peed on myself" and "this is disgusting" and "you need to do something"....oh boy. i had reached my limit and couldn't take anymore! So he decides to go ahead and check me and repeatedly tells me i'm "doing so well" and to "keep breathing thru those contractions". UGH. quit taking your sweet time and HELP me! so he goes to check me and what do you know??! he hits dylan's head. and then a look of shock comes over him. and i remember saying "was that my babies head you just hit?"...........

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