Please tell me I am not the only one who just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to get everything done that I want to?!? But I will keep chugging along, trying to get as much done as I can, and continue to work at being content with knowing I am doing my best!
Mini Project Complete!
Please tell me I am not the only one who just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to get everything done that I want to?!? But I will keep chugging along, trying to get as much done as I can, and continue to work at being content with knowing I am doing my best!
Happy Easter.....better late than never right??
Then Sunday, we started our day at church where we were blessed to enjoy a musical presentation by the choir and a wonderful message from our Pastor. I was overwhelmed with gratefulness for the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the cross that day and for the miracle of his resurrection. It is incredibly difficult to wrap my mind around the unconditional love that our Savior has for each and everyone of us, but I took that hour in church to reflect, ponder and give thanks. After the service we enjoyed fellowship at the annual brunch that the church puts together!
I pray you all had a little time to pause and reflect on the miracle that Easter is truly about and that you were able to enjoy celebrating with family and/or friends!!
Goodbye "K" Family
Tonia and I met when our kiddos were in preschool together. What an incredible blessing her friendship has been. Our kids have grown to be the best of friends and I have grown to cherish the support I found in our friendship. From playdates at DQ where it all weekly coffee and breakfast at Angelo's when the boys started kindergarten......all the late night phone calls when the guys were away.......the shakira(is that how you spell that?) dance when 9 months pregnant and everything in between.
The original pre school crew! have touched my life more than you will ever know and you will be so very missed! True friends that you know you can always count on when you really need them are few and far between...but I have been so very blessed to find that in my friendship with you. You saw me through some of the hardest times in my life and I don't think you even knew how much your support and friendship meant to me then and will continue to mean to me! You amaze me, you inspire me and I will miss you so much! Give the kiddos a big hug from "Aunt Aubrey" and the boys....we miss you already!
One last picture together.....
In the Hope for the Home Front Bible study I am doing right now there was a chapter on the sacrifice of separation and author Marshele Carter Waddell ended with the question...What's so good about good-bye?? I'd just like to share a few of the answers she gave....
~It is good that we stop our frenzy of activity to express our appreciation for the comfort, the friendship, the support, the laughter, the tears, and the encouragement the person has added to our journey.
~Good-bye is good if it teaches us to cherish life and breath, strength and sound mind, and the moments we are allowed to walk side by side with a friend.
~Good-bye is good if, in that difficult moment, we stand still long enough to give thanks to God for the lessons we've learned together, the love given, and the love received, recognizing that these blessings are gifts from the hand of God.
Driving away from the "K's" house after our final goodbye I thought back to this lesson and I did thank God for the time I had to walk side by side with Tonia!
So "K" family.....Fair winds and Following will be truly missed and we wish you all the happiness in the world as you move on to the next part of your journey!
Luck O' the Miculka's
I was looking forward to a fun filled green filled day and things didn't quite work out the way I would have liked. As alot of you know, Colby spent all of last week sick with a "fever virus." (who even knew there was such a thing??? ) And in perfect Colby style he has spread the "love" and lil brother has now come down with it. Poor kiddos....So I spent my St Patty's Day catering to a cranky, feverish 2 year old! I couldn't even get him to put on his cute lil shirt I got for today....=(.....but it wasn't worth fighting him over! Colby, however, did get to sport his St Patty's gear and even got to go to the parade downtown after school!! I didn't tell him until i picked him up from school and he was beyond excited! So....a BIG THANK YOU to our good friends the Martin's, for taking Colby along! Hope everyone had a fun day!
Freshly Amazed....
Once again, I am freshly amazed by God's timing! In my bible study lesson last week I came across the following verses and the timing couldn't have been better.
Ephesians 5:22-24Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. (23) For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (24) Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
I took time to truly stop and think.....Am I giving John the respect he deserves as my husband and the head of this household?? Am I submitting to him in everything as I have been directed to do in scripture??
As we begin to look at options for where we will make our home next I am being taught an important lesson is submission to the man God chose to lead this family. Of course I have my ideas of what I want.......and I have found myself getting frustrated when John brings up options other than what I want. But once again the Lord has humbled me with his timing and His word and how thankful I am for it. I am going to step out in faith and know that the God given leader of this home will make the right decision......we have discussed everything.......he will take my feelings into consideration and will turn to the Lord for guidance and we will do the Lord's will for our family. And as hard as it has been for me to come to may not be what I want. And I am working on being ok with that....its difficult but I am comforted by the following verse....
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
What a comforting declaration from our Lord and Savior. This verse has been such a comfort to me in so many different situations and I pray it can be the same for you! We serve an amazing God and I am so grateful for the husband he has blessed me with. Please pray for John, and for our family, as we go forward with the process of finding out where our next home will be!
Colby's numero uno fan.....
Lil Cuties......
Me and my favorite lil boys......
And now some not so fun news...Colby is running a mystery fever. =( Poor guy.....he is congested(which around this house w/ all the allergy problems the boys have is nothing new) but otherwise is not showing any symptoms other than the fever. Hopefully whatever it is will run its course quickly so that he can feel better soon! So we are shut-ins for the time being and hoping and praying that Brayden and I can remain healthy!!
Feelin' the Love!!
Tonight I am having a few girlfriends over to do some stamping!! I am looking forward to it doubt we will have a good time!! Here is a lil peek at a couple of the cards we will be making!!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams
I Am A Child of God
I am a child of God
And he has sent me here
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear
Lead me Guide me
Walk beside me
Help me find the way
Teach me all that I must do
to live with him someday
There are a few verses but I just love this song and the simple message it conveys. I am regularly fighting tears as I sing to my precious baby boys and thank the Lord. Because my children are truly His children that he has sent here to me.....trusted me to care for them, teach them and guide them so that they can live with him again one day. What an amazing honor this heart swells and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my Savior's love and grace. What a blessing to be an earthly mother to these two precious lil men. May I always lead them, guide them, walk beside them and help them find their way back to their Heavenly Father!