
Not so Menu Monday

A menu for this week just isn't happening for a couple of reasons!
A certain little someone in our home has a birthday this week and we are excited about celebrating him and all the joy he has brought our family the last 2 years!!
Also?  My mother in law is coming to visit this week and we are looking forward to having her here!  The big boys have been making all kinds of fun plans with her and she will get to be a part of Dylan's party too!!
And??  It's summatime.  We've been spending a lot of time at the beach and kind of throwing plans out the window!  For example, Saturday evening it had been rainy and stormy all day and was starting to clear up a little so we decided to head out to eat.  On the way, we changed our minds, picked up ice cream for dinner and headed to the beach!  The boys were all in regular clothes, we had no chairs, blankets, towels but ya know?!  We had so much fun!!  And in case you were questioning my standings in the race for mother of the year?!  My kids ate chips for dinner at the beach last night!  They did share with the seagulls so that counts as a lesson in sharing right?!!  ha!!  Ice cream for dinner one night and chips for dinner the next ~ whatevs!  I'm loving just being in the moment and enjoying time with family and friends!
This week will be busy and tons of fun and I have no idea what we'll be eating!! I'll figure it out as we go!!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and that you take some time to throw caution to the wind this week and just have FUN!!
I'll be back to my menu planning ways soon!


Menu Monday

This little blog of mine sure isn't getting much love this summer!  We've been so busy having fun that the week flies by and before I know it, its Monday again and I haven't blogged in a week! 
Our long 4th of July weekend was full of so much FUN!  We kicked off the celebrating on Wednesday night and didn't stop until we fell into bed last night!!  And this week we roll right into VBS at our church which the kiddos are super excited about!! 
Needless to say, several of the meals on this weeks menu are one's that I had planned for last week and they didn't happen!  (which just makes my job as a menu planner pretty easy this week!)  ;) 
Monday ~ Crockpot Potato Soup
Tuesday ~ Tacos
Wednesday ~ Grilled Carolina Country Chicken w/ Asparagus & Baked Beans
Thursday ~ Meatballs in Vodka Sauce w/ Green Beans
Friday ~ Creamy Italian Chicken & Rice w/ Broccoli
Saturday ~ Cookout & Swimming w/ friends!!
Sunday ~ Take Out or Leftovers
Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend and that you are enjoying lots of summer fun in the sun!!!
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
~Psalm 118:24~


Menu Monday

Well ~ we officially wrapped up our first year of homeschooling and had our evaluation done on Friday!!  The boys are excited and I'm so grateful for the challenge & blessing that homeschooling has been!  This week brings one of my favorite holidays and lots of fun planned with friends!!
Here's what we'll be fillin' up on this week....
Monday ~ Lemon Bell Pepper Chicken w/ Jasmine Rice
Tuesday ~ Crockpot Chicken w/ Green Beans
(this will be 1st time ever cooking a whole chicken....)
Wednesday ~ Tacos
Thursday ~ Happy Birthday America!!!  We're going to a BBQ w/ some friends and I'm making Broccoli Salad!!
Friday ~ Crockpot Potato Soup
Saturday ~ Grilled Carolina Country Chicken w/ Baked Beans & Asparagus
Sunday ~ We'll be at a bday party!!
Hope your week is off to a great start and that you all enjoy celebrating this amazing country we are so blessed to call home!!! 
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
~Proverbs 31:30~